Weakest Tamer Wiki

The Episode 9 of The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash is To Confront the Organization


When Ivy tells them that she is now 9 years old, everyone congratulates her. Ivy is thrilled, as she hasn't been celebrated by anyone in a long time since she left the village. Members of the Flaming Sword and Thunder King explain the organization's crimes. There, Ivy analyzes the organization using Sora's abilities and her memories of her previous life.


Ivy explains Sora's ability with Blazing Sword and Lightning King, and after telling various truths and lies, they believe her. Ivy and the two parties discuss the failed raid and Green Gale's connection behind a sound-blocking barrier, concluding that a noble leaked the information. Ivy, Seyzelk, Lattrua, and Borolda meet the town's guild master Rogleef, along with the captain of the town's watchmen Burksby and the vice-captain Aggrop, with Ivy hiding Sora in her bag and Borolda using a piece of Sora to tell who can be trusted. Knowing that Rogleef, Burksby, and Aggrop can be trusted, Borolda agrees to find the traitors among the town's watchmen. Burksby and Aggrop brings the group over to the organization's deserted base after Rogleef gave the order to assemble all the town's watchmen there, where and out of the town's 157 watchmen, 38 are traitors including Malgajula. Count Faltoria and Lord Foronda drop by, with Sora reacting to Faltoria. Knowing that Faltoria is part of the organization, the group decides to search the room that Malgajula was guarding, where they find a secret room where lots of money and documents of the organization's trade deals are stashed away. Everybody returns to camp, and Ivy helps Lattrua out with laundry using a magical water bucket. Meela approaches Ivy and Lattrua pretending to take them out to have sweets, doing so in order for Meela and her brothers to kidnap Ivy.



[Anime Episodes] Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
[Anime Music] Endless Journey 「果てのない旅」 OP 1