Weakest Tamer Wiki

The Episode 10 of The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash is Into the Vortex of the Incidents


Ivy and Rattleua go to eat sweets with Meera and the others. According to Sora, the twin brothers Torto and Maruma were bad people after all. Considering the situation, Midorikaze may be the organization's favorite. If this continues, Meera and the others will be killed. So Ivy goes against it and says she's going to become an Otori.


Lattrua beats Meela in a game of rock paper scissors, and Lattrua chooses the place the five go out for sweets. While eating, Ivy tells Meela that she can make great use of her slimes she tamed. Afterwards, Lattrua explains that he chose that place to keep Green Gale in check while eating, and that Otolwa used to be peaceful until recently. That night, Ivy and the two parties discuss Green Gale's role, arriving at the belief that Green Gale is just a pawn for the organization. Using advice from her past life, Ivy comes up with a plan to use herself as a decoy for Green Gale and pass on false information to the organization to capture them, as well as use a sleep sphere to put both sides to sleep, but the plan is met with skepticism. However, Ivy convinces the parties to act while the organization is unaware of Sora. The next day, Rogleef assembles the adventurers to the organization's base to greet Ivy so that she can figure out through Sora who among them are traitors, while Shifale asks Burksby to assemble a special unit to deal with a monster lair that discovered in the forest, a task handled by Aggrop. After the greetings, Meela expresses her gratitude for what Ivy said at the sweets place. Meanwhile, Shifale tells Burksby about the plan to use the sleep sphere, while Nouga gives Burksby a special item designed to be used against powerful monsters to use against the enemy. Later, Aggrop has the special unit assembled, while Borolda and Rikvelt leads a group of adventurers to deal with the monsters with both groups consisting of mostly traitors in order to steer them away from town during the operation. Ivy and Lattrua go out for sweets with Green Gale at Meela's preferred place, which is all part of Ivy's plan.



[Anime Episodes] Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
[Anime Music] Endless Journey 「果てのない旅」 OP 1