Weakest Tamer Wiki

The fourth episode of the The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash series, called Towards an Unexpected Situation.


Ivy continues her fun journey with Sora. Sora loves blue potions and almost eats everything Ivy saves for healing her injuries. Ivy tries to get Sora to sleep early and begins telling her a fairy tale she heard when she was young. Once upon a time, the world was at war. In order to stop the war, a magician uses a certain magic...


Running low on potions, Ivy visits a dump site and learns that Sora can now consume red potions after previously consuming only blue potions. With Sora consuming potions at an unsustainable rate that Ivy needs it to fall asleep, and does so by telling a bedtime story. The next day, Sora sets a trap to capture a field mouse, but ends up capturing a snake instead. Shortly afterward, Ivy spots a merchant group and horses brutally killed. Ivy arrives at Latom village where she reports the incident to the town hall, and adventurers are dispatched to deal with the culprits. Afterwards, she sells the snake to an apothecary, earning three gidal (worth 3,000 dal total). Ivy goes to another dump site where she finds several discarded magic bags and tries to find a way to utilize them to increase her storage. One of the adventurers returns to inform Ivy that thanks to her intel, the adventurers are dealing with the ogres and the ogre king who attacked the merchants. Ivy collects her tip reward from the town hall of five gidal for intel on the deceased people and two ladal (worth 20 gidal or 20,000 dal total) for info on high-ranked monsters. That night, Ivy decides to stay in Latom until the hunt is over and plans to visit Latome next.




  • The ogres and the ogre king are not seen in this episode. The ogres are seen in episode 7.
  • Ivy mentioned Wild Grapepes in this episode.
[Anime Episodes] Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
[Anime Music] Endless Journey 「果てのない旅」 OP 1