Druid is a mid-rank adventurer from Oll Town, and later on also registers as a Merchant to help facilitate his and Ivy's travel expenses, as well as when they need to sell loot from their travels. After being saved by Ivy and getting to know her he agrees to her request and becomes her travel companion on her journey. Is seen as a father-figure by Ivy.
Druid is very
When he turned 5-years old, Druid underwent the customary Star Ceremony that identified what Skills and how many stars he had. After the ceremony it was discovered that Druid was blessed with 3 Skills, Swordcraft, Martial Arts, and a mysterious Symbol Skill that nobody was sure what it did.
However, when Druid was 12-years-old, his Symbol Skill somehow activated completely by accident and he discovered exactly what it was capable of doing. It had the power to "Steal" Skill Stars from others' skills and bank them in Druid. This was confirmed when the victims, Druid's 2 older brothers, went to have their Skills statuses re-examined and it was discovered that their skills no longer had any stars, further confirmation was made when Druid's status was appraised and next to his Symbol skill was the number 4 in (), the exact number of stars missing from his brothers' Skills. Suffering the pain from cruelty at the hands of his brothers, that his mother did telling the boys off about bullying Druid to stop it, but they ignored her, and hating himself what he had done, he ran away from home. He has been suffering with the guilt these last 20 years.
After leaving home Druid became a Mid-Rank Adventurer for the Oll Town Adventurer's Guild, and lacking any preservation for his own life always took on the most dangerous missions that were assigned to him by the Adventurer's Guild GM. It was on one of these dangerous missions, that Druid would have his fated encounter with Ivy. He had accepted an escort mission for a merchant caravan which unbeknownst to anyone else the client had smuggled Blessed Balm Fruit into one of the carriages, a highly coveted, but extremely dangerous fruit due to its monster attraction properties. All of a sudden, the merchant caravan was surrounded by a pack of berserk gurbars, large monsters with tusked noses, who proceeded to destroy the carriages and kill anyone who was unable to get away. Druid was mortally wounded having received a slash to the chest, so deep you could see his heart, and his right arm had been bitten off up to the elbow, having lost so must blood Druid fell unconscious.
The next thing he knew, Druid was waking up, his chest would having been completely healed, and his right stump having been immaculately cleaned. Looking around he saw Ivy, who was hyperventilating since she was scared, because he had seen her tamed slime, Sora's true powers. He quickly calmed her down and promised that he would not tell a soul what had happened and would fabricate a believable story for the Rescue Party. This calmed Ivy down and allowed her to introduce herself to him as well as her tamed familiars. When the Rescue Party arrived headed by the Adventurer's Guild GM, Druid lied about why his right stump looked so clean despite being torn off by a monster. After the conversation ended Druid was accompanied back to Oll Town by Ivy and 3 other adventurers.
Druid ended up spending a lot of time with Ivy while she was in Oll Town as she had taken a liking to him. He ended up being her guardian each time she went out into the forest to gather materials, do laundry, or place traps. After establishing a rapport with Ivy, Druid felt that it was wrong to keep his Star Stealing Skill secret from her since it put her in danger of losing her Stars, so one day he told her the whole story while they were relaxing after foraging through the Oll Town dump for food for Ivy's Slimes. To his immense relief Ivy did not condemn him for his skill and after saying that she trusted him she confided her own Star Secret to him, namely that she had none. After this conversation played out Druid was asked by Ivy if he would be her traveling companion on her journey, and while he felt getting away from Oll Town would do him good, he was still tormented by the guilt he had carried around for so long. In the end he asked Ivy how long she would be staying in Oll Town as a way to ask for some time to think about it, she agreed say she wanted hist best decision that came from his heart.
Later that night Druid was at a bar drinking when the Adventure's Guild GM came up to him and had a drink with him and some conversation ending with the GM leaving after buying Druid another round and telling him that he had to make his decisions based on what was best for him. A little while after this another person joins Druid at the bar, his eldest brother Doluka, which completely shocked Druid because he was under the impression that Doluka hated him. Even more shocking, to Druid, Doluka was there to apologize for his behavior towards him, and when Druid asked why, Doluka explained that he had been lectured by multiple members of the family, his wife, and customers that his arrogance and unwillingness to better himself are what led to his downfall, and not the loss of his stars.
Over the next few weeks Druid was able to reconcile with most of his family, thanks to Ivy pushing him to do so. This culminated in Druid, his Father, and Ivy teaming up to create a new sauce concoction to go with the Onigiri Rice Balls to help Oll Town get over a food crisis that had sprung up from the monster problem. After helping solve the food crisis, Druid told Ivy that he accepted her proposal and would be happy to be her traveling companion, and so they spent the following days getting everything reading for their trip, which included a laborious 2-day clean out of Druid's old home to find everything they needed for the trip. In addition, Druid and Ivy registered a Family Account at the Merchant's Guild, so they could sell their loot from their journey, as well as a Family Bank Account that would hold their traveling expenses.
Finally, the day came that Druid set off with Ivy, and they continued their journey towards their next destination, Hatow Village. Along the way he was witness to Ivy complete trust in her tamed slimes and Ciel, her tamed Andandala, as she followed them wherever they led them without hesitation, while Druid was a nervous wreck being so deep in the forest. A little while after their departure from Oll Town, Druid had to look after Ivy, as she had come down with a fever.
Powers and Abilities[]
Druid us blessed with a total of 3 skills. 2 of them are Named Skills, and 1 is a Unique Symbol Skill.
- 《Swordcraft》Lowest of the sword making skills. Allows Druid to make multi-use swords that are comparable to the type of weapons that would drop from weak monsters. Druids' Star Level for this skill is currently unknown.
- 《Martial Arts》 Battle-oriented skill that allows for the use of Unarmed, Armed, or Hybrid Combat for Attacking or Self-Defense. Druids' Martial Arts Type and Star Level for this skill is currently unknown.
- 《+/-》 Symbol Skill that seems to be unique to Druid, it is still steeped in mystery, and very little is known about it. The only confirmed power that is known to be bestowed by this skill is the ability to "Steal" others' Skill Stars.