When you watch this anime, please tell me why the people of Latomi are blinded by stars and skills, okay?
They’re must be theories about it
What's on your mind?
When you watch this anime, please tell me why the people of Latomi are blinded by stars and skills, okay?
They’re must be theories about it
Will any one who read the book know this lady or not?
These are spoilers for anyone that hasn't read to current printing.
If you have read the light novels, I want to know if the author keeps messing up the story, or flip-flopping story plots from LN#4 onward.
I'm in LN#05 right now, and the story errors are so bad, that I have to wonder if the actual original author is responsible for them or not.
- Ivy went from someone thought of as too smart for her age to someone dumb.
- They say and agree that something is too explosive to tell anyone, top secret... then proceed to tell everyone (multiple times).
- They say tea is a super rare thing that only certain people can afford, then EVERYONE is drinking it. Everyone.
- They made a magic contract with someone in one chapter, under penalty of enslavement and property forfeiture; and then break the contract in the very next chapter. Like nothing will happen... and nothing does.
- They get items made to seem important, then they never get mentioned again. Hell...
- Ivy dropping her male disguise was totally glazed over, leaving thinking: wait... what the hell is going on?
Really curious if this is what I should be looking forward to in the upcoming books. The story is cool, even now with it's 'campfire cooking' vibe to it. But the errors man... the errors!
I like the first season The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash so I was wondering it there’s going to be a second season. Does anyone agree with me?
I need to know why Fecilla is banished from the village and she was wounded by that
How did ivy die in her past life?
Was it hanging,a truck, or other?????
Hello. I'm a new fan of this story. I discovered it through the anime. I can't wait for episode 12 either. And I was wondering if the chances of this story being picked up for another season were possible. If anyone has intel on this, I'll appreciate it. Have a nice day.
Are you guys excited about next episode next week? I know I am
I was looking for some who happen to read The Weakest Tamer Manga and know the chapters.